Exploring Democracy and Civic Responsibility in Australia


Welcome, Year 5 students! In this WebQuest, you will embark on an exciting journey to explore the concepts of democracy and civic responsibility in Australia. As citizens of this great nation, it's important for us to understand how our government works and the roles we play in shaping our society. Get ready to delve into various resources and activities to deepen your understanding of democracy and civic responsibility.


Your task is to investigate different aspects of democracy and civic responsibility in Australia through a series of activities and research tasks. You will explore topics such as the Australian government structure, the rights and responsibilities of citizens, and the importance of active citizenship in a democratic society.


1. Understanding Democracy:

  • Visit the website to find out about Australian government and "What is Democracy?" . Take notes on the key features of democracy and how it functions in Australia:



2. Exploring Government Structure:

  • Visit the Australian Parliament House website below. Learn about the three levels of government in Australia: federal, state, and local. Take notes on the roles and responsibilities of each level.




Congratulations, Year 5 students! You have completed your exploration of democracy and civic responsibility in Australia. Remember, as future leaders and citizens, your role in shaping our society is crucial. Continue to engage with these concepts and strive to be active and responsible members of your community.