EN4HOSTS- Liquid preparations -soups



liquidize means crush something, especially solid food such as fruit or vegetables, into a liquid,e.g

  • Stock
  • Broth

  • Sauce

  • Appetizers

  • Marmalades

  • Beverages

  • Soup

We have to learn some info about the technology above the liquid preparations and then we'll cook...healthy traditional soups.


Imagine you are  chefs in a restaurant in Greece. You have to prepare a traditional soup one recipe (beans soup – trahana soup- chicken soup – fish soup - mageiritsa and giouvarlakia).

Read the recipe, collect the ingredients and cook.

Try to present it in a way that any customer would like to taste it!!

Have fun!!



There’s a small lecture with the use of PowerPoint and questions/answers and after that students are asking to complete some practice exercises on worksheet 1.


Students are divided in 6teams. Each team has to prepare one recipe (beans soup – trahana soup- chicken soup – fish soup - mageiritsa and giouvarlakia). They have to read the recipes which they will follow (worksheet 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e, 2f) and collect the materials and ingredients that they will use. They discuss the preparation method instructions and take each one his responsibilities to the preparations.


They complete the evaluation form (worksheet 3) of their team.


They describe their recipe to the others explaining the role of each ingredient (worksheet 4).


This is how your work will be evaluated.














There is one person doing all the work, and the team is NOT working together.

The team is working individually on their own role, and using limited talked with others in a group

Team is working together, but not using the inflammation to connect with one another.

The whole team is working together, helping each other out, and connecting information with one another.


Mise en place

No mise en place

Use mise en place but students can't find all the ingredients ; they can't understand which vegetable is that they need 

Use mise en place, and students found all the ingredients but lacked speed

Use mise en place, get all the ingredients needed, and goes beyond to get some extra for a better presentation of their dish



There's only one person cooking

Students discuss the preparation method instructions but they don't share responsibilities to the preparations.

Students discuss the preparation method instructions and take each one his responsibilities to the preparations, but there's no good connection with one another.

Students discuss the preparation method instructions and take each one his responsibilities to the preparations and work to a good team climate.


Final project


No final project

Final project is lacking key ingredients.

Final project contains all key ingredients but lacks at presentation of the dish.

Final project contains all key ingredients and is very good present as a dish.



The web quest is designed to develop the cooking skills of students. 

I hope you all had fun and explored the Greek traditional soups.

I hope you find some similarities to your culinary traditions on soups with our traditions.


This WebQuest was created by a team of teachers, within the co-funded Erasmus plus KA2  partnership “English for hospitality” (EN4HOSTS), project number: 2017-1-RO01-KA201-037159, KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education


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