DNA and Heredity


Welcome to the exciting world of genetics! In this WebQuest, you will explore the fascinating topics of DNA and heredity, diving into the building blocks of life and understanding how traits are passed down from generation to generation.


Your task is to create a presentation or infographic that explains the basic concepts of DNA, genes, and heredity. Your presentation should include visual aids, examples, and explanations to help your classmates understand these complex topics.



  1. Begin by researching the basics of DNA, genes, and heredity using the provided resources.
  2. Create an outline for your presentation, including key points, illustrations, and examples.
  3. Use the information you have gathered to design your presentation or infographic.
  4. Practice presenting your information to ensure that it is clear and engaging.
  5. Share your presentation with your classmates and be prepared to answer any questions they may have.


  • DNA From the Beginning: An animated primer on the basics of DNA and genetics

  • Genetics Home Reference: A comprehensive guide to genetic conditions and inherited traits

  • Khan Academy: Videos and tutorials on DNA structure, genes, and heredity
  • Content (accuracy and depth of information): 30 points
  • Visual appeal (layout, design, and use of visual aids): 20 points
  • Clarity and organization: 20 points
  • Presentation skills (engagement, delivery, and ability to answer questions): 30 points

Congratulations on completing your DNA and heredity WebQuest! Take a moment to reflect on what you have learned and how you can apply this knowledge to your own life. Genetics is all around us, shaping who we are and how we interact with the world. Great job!

Teacher Page

Content Creator: Clarice Canlas

Date: April 8, 2024