The Climate change


The purpose of this lesson is to define climate change, discuss its sources and effects, and consider potential solutions. We will study terminology linked to climate change, how to create an organized information brochure, and how to utilize modal verbs of counsel to offer solutions.


In order to complete the final product, you will watch a video, read an article, and take notes on the key points of the film. You will also need to assess the information provided in the Arctic.


Activity 1

•How does one define climate change? Create a general definition after brainstorming with your classmates.


Activity 2

•Compile a list of recommendations on what may be done to address climate change by analyzing the available data and highlighting the most crucial aspects.

Make use of modal verbs of advise such as "had better," "ought to," and "should."

Example: When not in use, lights should be turned off.


Activity 3

•You are required to provide a pamphlet or informational brochure titled "Things you can do about climate change."

Include your understanding of climate change, your observations regarding its causes and consequences, and your actions.


Make use of the advisory modal verbs.


- Be imaginative (Use crayons, markers, cardboard, drawings, colors, etc.)


- May be completed using a computer or by hand



Completion of Activity 1: 2 points

Completion of Activity 2: 2 points

Completion of Activity 3: 4 points

Language Skills: 2 point

Total: 10 points


We should all be aware of and concerned about this crucial subject. I hope the lesson was enjoyable for you.