Saint Patrick's Day


Saint Patrick's Day is a cultural and religious celebration held on 17th March, the traditional death date of Saint Patrick, the foremost patron saint of Ireland. But what do we know about Saint Patrick? And how do the Irish celebrate it? Let's complete this WebQuest to find out...

              Resultado de imagen de saint patrick's day

  1. What are the colours of the Irish flag? 

  2. Where was St. Patrick born?

  3. What did St. Patrick do?

  4. What is St. Patrick best known for?

  5. What do Irish people say about Saint Patrick?

  6. What symbol stands for St. Patrick's day?

  7. What is a shillelagh?

  8. According to legend, what should you never do if you catch a leprechaun?



In pairs, read the following websites to answer the questions:


Then, individually, write a summary of just 100 words about what the Irish do to celebrate Saint Patrick's day to hand in at the end of the class. 


The questions will be marked in class and the summary will be returned next week. In the summary we will take into account:

- Grammar 

- Vocabulary

- General understanding

- Organisation