Endangered Species Human Impact Research Investigation


Many species of animals, plants and fungi have faced the threat of extinction; therefore, it is important to be able to identify the different species.  To assist in the identification of species and their status, the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species has developed. This list has grown to become the world’s most comprehensive information source on the global conservation status of animal, fungi and plant species.

This critical indicator provides information on the health of the world’s biodiversity, which informs and facilitates the action for biodiversity conservation and policy change, which is significant in protecting the natural resources we need to survive.

The list specifies information about range, population size, habitat and ecology, use and/or trade, threats and conservation actions that help inform necessary conservation decisions makes this list of species and their status a significant tool.

The IUCN has employed you as a research scientist to assist in their continuation of the composition of this list. Your task is to research a critically endangered species and link potential impacts for example human activity, the use of fire by traditional Aboriginal people and the effects of palm oil production in Sumatra and Borneo are having on your chosen critically endangered species.


Choose one of the following areas from the following: https://www.worldwildlife.org/species/directory


  • Amur Leopard Panthera tigris altaica
  • Black Rhino Diceros bicornis
  • Bornean Orangutan Pongo pygmoeus
  • Cross River Gorilla Gorilla gorilla diehli
  • Eastern Lowland Gorilla Gorilla beringei graueri
  • Hawksbill Turtle Eretmochelys imbricate
  • Javan Rhino Rhinoceros sondaicus
  • Malayan Tiger Panthera tigris jacksoni
  • Mountain Gorilla Gorilla beringei beringei
  • Saola Pseudoryx nghetinhensis
  • South China Tiger Panthera tigris amayensis
  • Sumatran Elephant Elephas maximus sumatranus
  • Sumatran Orangutan Pongo abelli
  • Sumatran Rhino Dicerarhinus sumatrensis
  • Sumatran Tiger Panthera tigris sumatrae
  • Vaquita Phocoena sinus
  • Western Lowland Gorilla Gorilla gorilla gorilla
  • Yangtze Finless Porpoise Neophacaena asiaeorientialis ssp. Asiaeorientalis


Research how the endangered species play an important role in the biodiversity and food web the chosen ecosystem. Describe and explain its Classification (Kingdom to sub species), scientific conventions for naming species or sub species, construct a taxonomy key to show naming, construct the endangered animal’s food web (identify which trophic level), discuss microorganisms of endangered species like parasites and evaluate how human activities have affect the endangered species survival and population numbers. To communicate findings and ideas using appropriate language and representations.

  1. Research your chosen Critically Endangered Species.
  • classifying using hierarchical systems such as kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species of an endangered species
  • using scientific conventions for naming species an endangered species
  • using provided keys to identify organisms surveyed in endangered species habitat
  • constructing and interpreting food webs to show relationships between endangered species in their environment
  • classifying organisms of an environment according to their position in a food chain
  • recognising the role of microorganisms within food chains and food webs e.g. parasites
  • investigate the effect of human activity on endangered species habitats, such as deforestation, agriculture or the introduction of new species
  • exploring how living things can cause changes to their environment and impact other living things, such as the effect of cane toads
  • researching specific examples of human activity, such as the use of fire by traditional Aboriginal people and the effects of palm oil production in Sumatra and Borneo
    Note: This assignment can be a choice of an Australian Endangered Species or Worldwide Endangered Species – preferably on Critically Endangered List Provided.

Complete the questions to explain the critically endangered species, evaluate the significance of animals food web in their ecosystem and the impact human activities and how the applications of conservation affect the endangered species’ survival, and justify why conservation is necessary.

  1. Explain why this endangered species has its scientific name (Kingdom to Sub Species outlined, show taxonomic key to explain species name).
  2. Identify and describe the type of trophic level in the species food web in its ecosystem.
  3. Explain the Human impact on species’ environment, food source, disease control and genetic biodiversity.
  4. Justify the importance of conservation of these critically endangered species with respect to the impact it has on people and society.
  • Explain how the conservation is scientifically recorded.
  • Describe the processes and technologies involved in promoting conservation of species.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of conservation and scientific data collected for the IUCN Red List in terms of advantages and disadvantages associated.

The response must be presented using an appropriate scientific genre (i.e. scientific report) and contain:

  • a research topic/question
  • an analysis of the evidence
  • Critically Endangered Species name
  • Classification outline
  • Sample Food Webs and classification keys
  • Investigation into palm oil plantations
  • Exposure to conservation apps and research articles.
  • Taronga Zoo Data collection

Mrs Sarah Conway & Mrs Fiona Zimmerlie-Clarke

Teacher Page







Science Understanding

Biological Sciences

Justified explanation of classification of species and interactions between organism food chains/ webs and human activities

Informed explanation of classification of species and interactions between organism food chains/ webs and human activities

Explanation of classification of species & interactions between organism food chains/ webs and human activities

Description of classification of species and interactions between organism food chains/ webs and human activities

Statements about:• classification of species and interactions between organism food chains/ webs and human activities

Science as a Human Endeavour

Nature and development of Science

New evidence of how scientific knowledge has changed conservation of species

Informed description of how scientific knowledge has changed conservation of species

Description of how scientific knowledge has changed conservation of species

Identification of how scientific knowledge has changed conservation of species

Statements about scientific developments

Science as a Human Endeavour

Use and influence of science

Clear and concise list of solutions to endangered species using science and technology that lead to changes in human activity and policies

Informed prediction of how future applications of science and technology may lead to changes in human activity and policies

Prediction of how future applications of science and technology may lead to changes in human activity and policies


Prediction of applications of science and technology


Statements about applications of science and technology


Science Inquiry Skills Evaluating

In depth reflection on the research and data collected on species and evaluates the effectiveness of scientific evidence to support conservation of species

Informed reflection on the research and data collected on species and evaluates the effectiveness of scientific evidence to support conservation of species

Sound reflection on the research and data collected on species and evaluates the effectiveness of scientific evidence to support conservation of species

Partial reflection on the research and data collected on species and evaluates the effectiveness of scientific evidence to support conservation of species

Limited reflection on the research and data collected on species and evaluates the effectiveness of scientific evidence to support conservation of species

Science Inquiry Skills Communicating

A concise and coherent use of appropriate language and accurate representations when communicating findings and ideas to specific audiences

A coherent use of appropriate language and accurate representations when communicating findings and ideas to specific audiences

Use of appropriate language and representations when communicating findings and ideas to specific audiences

Use of everyday language and representations when communicating findings and ideas to audiences

Fragmented use of language and representations when communicating findings and ideas to audiences