Butterfly Life Cycle


Grade: 2nd

Have you ever wondered how did a butterfly become a butterfly? There is a cycle butterflies go through in order to become a beautiful butterfly. This cycle contains four parts. Each part of the cycle is important and helps to make the butterfly. The students in the other grade 2 class are unsure about the way the cycle runs, the name of each part and the meanings. They really need your help in understanding how the cycle runs, the name of each part of the cycle, and the meaning of each part. I know you guys will do a great job helping them to understand.

Image result for butterflies clipart




You and your peers will work together to explore resources about the butterfly life cycle. You will put together as much information as you can to help you with understanding butterfly cycle. Each group will then work together to create the cycle using materials given by the teacher. Each part of the cycle will have its name, a picture, and the function.

Image result for group work clipart


Time to get started!

Step 1: You will decide on your working partners and work in groups of three.

Step 2: One student from the group will collect the materials needed to carry out the project. The materials include:

  • Safety scissors
  • Glue stick
  • Colored pencils
  • One paper plate
  • Construction paper (different colors)
  • One sharpie marker

Step 3: Each group member will explore resources to gather information about the butterfly life cycle.

Step 4: The team members will put together ideas about making a butterfly life cycle using the materials given. After putting ideas together, decide on one idea.

Step 5: Each team will create a butterfly life cycle using the materials. Each cycle should have pictures of each stage using the construction paper or drawn, the name of the cycle and each part, a brief explanation of each part, and arrows showing which direction the cycle will go. The plate should also be split into four (4) equal parts.

Step 6: Each group will present their butterfly life cycle to the grade two class.

Related image












Group work

Gets along well with others in their group and help others

Does his or her part only in the group

Does not put forth enough effort and not getting along with others




Used Materials

Students used all materials to complete project

Students partially used materials to complete project

Students use little to no materials to complete project




Includes name of cycle, parts and meanings

Students includes all of the areas

Students are missing some of the areas

Students are missing most of the areas





Students demonstrate outstanding creativity and neat

Students demonstrate limited creativity and is a bit messy

Students demonstrate no creativity and is extremely messy





Students presented and explained all areas of the cycle

Students presented some of the areas of the cycle

Students presented little to none of the areas of the cycle





Total:                /15



You have made it to the end of the webquest. The butterfly cycle goes through different stages before it turns into that beautiful butterfly. This cycle continues over and over. Just like butterflies have a cycle, many other things have cycles. Can you think of any other life cycles? List the cycles you have thought about?



