Books and ICT?


Hello everyone, my name is Ainoa and this is my Webquest!

This one is focused on developing an activity for 3rd course of Primary Education, where students have to read and perform drama acts and at the same time using ICT tools.

Firstly, the class is organized by groups, which agreed in class and are shown in the following table:

Group name Members of the group
Actimel Team

Laura G.

Lucía M.

Juan José C.

Luis A.

Ninja Turtles

Ariadna B.

Paula S.

Érika B.

Paco S.

Javi C.

Rainbow Unicorns

Abel F.

Mario B.

María J.

Ana Belén L.

Lions Team

Germán D.

Miguel T.

Pedro Javier C.

Alma F.

José Luis H.


Now, we are going to go to the Tasks that are being developed in class. Here we go!



The task of this topic, Drama in class, is going to give students ICT tools to improve their skills in Literature, more deeply in reading comprehension and oral and written presentations. In this way, students will be able to develop their own ideas mixing traditional devices (books) and new ones (computers and internet). 

A really use ICT tool is Voki, for this reason, we are going to use it and I attach you a video about what it is:



Task 1: Opening. Library time

Firstly, the class is going to be organized by groups of five, and each group need to agree about which book choose. The collection of books is of Roald Dahl, with books such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda, The enormous crocodile or Going Solo, among others. This collection is focused on the spread of personal and social values, able to teach children how to develop and improve themselves socially. Here I attach the list of Roald Dahl books, if you decide to take others not from the library but as valid as the others->

After that, the class must read the book in one week. Finally,  the book is brought again to class to analyze and following the next step.

Task 2: Stimulation. Webquest

To know more about the books students have read, the Webquest ned to be followed. The Webquest, when you finish reading the books, will have a slide based on summaries of the books you have read. Then, you need to read the summaries of the books you did not, to share opinions in class.

Task 3: Participation. What is Voki?

To introduce ICT TO Literature topic, in this class we are going to use a Voki. This is an online character that you can download speaking what you want to. In this way, students are going to record a summary, participating each member of the group, and a conclusion about the meaning of that book. Finally, the Voki of each group is going to be uploaded to the Webquest by me.

Here you are a useful video about how to create Voki if you have any question when we are not in class

Task 4: ICT activity. Voki’s performance

In this task, with the Vokis uploaded to the Webquest, in class, I am going to put in the digital blackboard each Voki of each group speaking about the books students have read and their conclusions.

Task 5: Closure. Discussion

To improve students self esteem and work, each member of each group must participate in one part of the Webquest (one book). The apportation will be based on giving a constructive opinion about the book and the classmates performance, giving advices and learning how to manage with public opinions.

The activity will start in class, giving opinions through pieces of paper which are going to be posted in a board, to check the general impressions of students, later, those are uploaded in the Webquest by them.


To evaluate this work we are going to follow the following rubric, which evaluates the performance of the oral presentation through Vokis. It is going to be individual, because each member of the group must record their own message and write in the Webquest.








The student uses a suitable speed, pauses, rhythm when he/she speaks in English.




Communicative ability

The student uses utterances well formed, with a good level of English and complexity.





The student  uses a correct intonation and individual sounds.





The student uses a topic elaboration, organized and coherent, using suitable linkers and connectors.












What is the conclusion of Books and ICT? Let's work on it, in class to reflect it here later!

Teacher Page

As the point of view of the teacher, this tool is very useful to have everything online and to help students to develop what they have to do, in class or at home. This Webquest is organized and performed as a real one, for those reasons everything is personal and it is written in a direct way.