5-4.2 Causes of the Great Depression

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5-4.2 “Causes of the Great Depression” Web Quest

Task 1: 

  1. What caused many investors to become convinced that stocks were a sure thing, so they borrowed heavily to invest more money in the market?__________________________________________


  1. What caused the demand for goods to decline?________________________________________


  1. According to this article, what was the MOST important effect of the Stock Market crash of 1929?



Task 2:

4-7. After the Stock Market crash, the amount of goods and services produced by American companies _____________, and many people _______________________________. People all over the country stood in lines __________________________or_________________________.

8. Between 1929 and 1933, the U.S. Gross National Product (GNP) dropped by nearly 33 percent. What does    that mean?_________________________________________________________________________________

9. What happened to the unemployment rate in 1933?__________________________________

Task 3:

10-15. Complete the dominoes to demonstrate what led our nation into the Great Depression.


Task 4:

16. What was a Hooverville?________________________________________________________


  1. Where did the name “Hooverville” come from?____________________________________


  1. Describe what a Hooverville settlement was like.________________________________________


19-21. Most people who lived in Hoovervilles, built their homes out of what three types of material

______________________, ____________________________and ______________________________.

Task 5: 

  1. What states were nicknamed, “the Dust Bowl”?___________________, _________________________,  

___________________________________________, and _______________________________________.

Task 6:

  1. What was the “double whammy” that affected people that lived on the Plains in the center of the United States?____________________________________________________________________________


29. Who were the “Okies”?___________________________________________________________


Task 7:

  1.  What were people called who were forced off the farm and heard about work hundreds of miles away ... or even half a continent away, getting there by hopping on freight trains, illegally?_______________________
  2. Hopping freights became so common that in 1933 Warner Brothers’ studio produced a film called, "Wild Boys of the Road".  Why did Warner Brothers make this film?______________________________________
